Areas of Competence:
The Bobič Law Firm boasts a great deal of experience in the field of commercial law and provides its clients with comprehensive legal solutions. Commercial law is one of the traditional branches of law, which governs the legal status of business entities and their internal organisations (statutory commercial law) on one hand, while on the other hand it also regulates commercial legal transactions and legal relationships between business entities conducting business transactions involving goods and services (commercial contract law). The Bobič Law Firm provides assistance and advice to its clients in all areas of commercial law, including the drafting and reviewing different types of contract, resolving disputes with other business entities, negotiations, exercising control over the performance of obligations by counterparties, as well as in disputes before courts.
The Bobič Law Firm strives to resolve any dispute amicably and by an out-of-court settlement. However, if this proves impossible, we provide our clients an efficient and effective representation before court, which is based on our excellent knowledge of the rules and regulations governing civil proceedings, the Companies Act, legislation in the field of insolvency and our extensive experience.
Civil law governs legal relationships between entities on the principles of equality and disposition. Our Law Firm provides advice related to the establishment and management of such relationships in the field of civil law, which is based on the in-depth knowledge of legal norms, a dynamic approach, excellence and particularly on our endeavours to resolve the matter to the satisfaction and in the interest of our clients.
The Bobič Law Firm advises clients with respect to all civil law matters, provides assistance in the drafting and reviewing of civil law contracts, and represents its clients before courts, an area in which we possess a great deal of experience.
Tort law is one of the areas in which the Bobič Law Firm possesses the most extensive experience.
Tort law encompasses a broad range of legal rules and principles dealing with loss events, which give individuals the right to seek compensation from responsible persons or entities. Tort law stipulates rules, which enable us to determine who is responsible for the damage or loss, in which cases individuals are entitled to receive compensation and what is the amount of such compensation. Tort law distinguishes between pecuniary and non-pecuniary loss, whereby pecuniary loss usually includes basic loss (decrease in property value) and the loss of profit (where the injured party is prevented from increasing the value of property). Non-pecuniary loss includes physical and mental pain and suffering, fear, decrease in regular everyday activities and injury to legal entities’ reputation. Such loss or damage may be reimbursed in monetary (monetary compensation) or non-monetary form (e.g. publication of corrections, withdrawal of statement or any solution aimed at achieving reparation). The aim of such reimbursement of loss or damages is to allow for the reestablishment of a situation that existed before the loss event.
Labour law governs the rights and obligations of workers and their employers within the scope of employment relationships. Administrative law regulates relationships between holders of power and public authority and individuals, who do not have such powers.
The Bobič Law Firm represents both the interests of workers and those of employers. We also provide advice with respect to the drafting of general acts adopted by employers, the drafting or termination of employment, copyright contracts and work contracts, the expiration of non-competition clauses, as well as numerous other labour law issues.
In the field of administrative law, we provide legal assistance to our clients at any stage of administrative proceedings. We represent clients in the enforcement of their rights and entitlements in different administrative proceedings (e.g. obtaining a building permit, concession permits, residence and work permits, etc.).
Since criminal proceedings tend to have a strong impact on the lives of individuals, it is crucial for attorneys-at-law, who represent them in such proceedings, to be experienced and highly qualified, so that they are able to successfully determine the substance of a case, manage the entire process and protect the rights of the defendant and other parties in such proceedings.
The Bobič Law Firm is committed to defending our clients by adopting an offensive defence tactics. We possess in-depth knowledge of the criminal law system and are able to dispel any tactical approaches adopted by the Prosecution. We apply our experience and expertise in order to successfully represent our clients, both defendants, as well as injured parties and private prosecutors, in criminal proceedings.
Court proceedings are usually lengthy and expensive, while the final decision of the court is always unpredictable. This is why we advise our clients to use every opportunity to resolve a dispute by means of alternative dispute resolution, such as negotiations, mediation or arbitration.
We advise and assist aliens (foreign citizens) and employers in procedures related to obtaining temporary residence permits, permanent residence permits, work permits and Slovene citizenship.